Thursday, February 23, 2023

20多歲時的戀愛你需要了解的10件事 !

談戀愛可能上世界上最有難度的事情之一,對20多歲的年輕人來說,尤其如此。情侶之間要在經歷種種磨礪之後,才能掌握獲得和維系穩定和諧戀愛關系的法寶。 Having a relationship might one of the hardest things there is. This is even more difficult if you’re in your 20s. Couples still have a long list of mistakes they must go through before they learn key lessons to getting and maintaining a great relationship. Here are some things you should keep in mind if you plan on having a relationship in your 20s.Recommend For You 如果你計劃在20多歲時談一場戀愛,那就好好讀讀下面幾條建議吧。 1. Make Time for a “Date Night” 為“約會之夜”抽出時間 Young couples are constantly going out, spending time with friends, working, or going to school. In order to show one another how much you care, it’s a very good idea to plan a date night, even if it’s just once a month. 年輕情侶總是忙忙碌碌,不是和朋友聚會,就是工作,要麼上學。為了向對方表示關切,“約會之夜” 是個很不錯的主意,哪怕一個月只有一次也好。 Take turns picking the restaurant, or even prepare a romantic dinner at home. Make sure your cellphone is off and you’re as mindful as possible. 輪流選餐館,或者准備一頓浪漫的家庭晚餐。關掉手機,盡量不要分心。 2. Take Turns Paying for Dinner 輪流付帳 The days where the man pays for everything are gone. It’s okay to take turns paying for whatever it is that you do. Whether one pays for the dinner and the other the movie, it doesn’t matter. You’re both young, just starting out, and this will help keep your relationship balanced. 男人是錢包的理念已不時尚。不論做什麼,最好輪流付帳。一個請吃飯,另一個請電影,誰先誰後都無所謂。你們還年輕,生活剛剛開始,這樣做將有助於保持戀愛關系的平衡。 3. Set Honest Expectations 明確期望值 The most important rule when it comes to any kind of dating is to be clear what your expectations are with the relationship. If you see it lasting for the long run, then make sure that your partner knows that. In other hand, if you’re looking for someone just to have sex, then say that as well. 就各種約會而言,最重要的一條是,明確你期望從關系中得到什麼。如果你希望長期相處,讓對方明白。另一方面,如果你只是在尋找“炮友” ,也要坦誠說明。 Believe me, being honest with what you expect will show that you’re confident and will earn you a lot of respect from your partner. Don’t disregard this. 相信我,誠實講出你的期望不僅可以顯示出你的自信,還能贏得對方的尊重。不要忽略這一點。 4. You Can Still Have Friends 你仍然可以有朋友 It’s very important to not exclude yourself from your social circle to hang out with your partner 24/7. This person isn’t the only thing that’s important in your life. You still have other people who want to spend time with you. Be sure to keep up with your friends and do fun things together. You need to give each other space to keep the relationship fresh. 不要脫離社交圈,時時刻刻與戀愛泡在一起,這一點很重要。這個人不是你生活的唯一,還有其他人希望與你共度時光。一定要與朋友保持聯系,一起做些有趣的事。你需要給對方留出空間,以保持新鮮感。 5. Nagging Isn’t Cool 嘮嘮哪叨要不得 Your partner will do things that piss you off. Don’t nag. This is immature and you will lose your partner’s respect for doing it. Calmly discuss your opinion and why you feel the way you do. 如果對方做一些惹你生氣的事情,千萬別嘮叨。嘮叨是不成熟的表現,你會因此失去對方的尊重。心平氣和地講出你的想法,並說明理由。 6. Keep Your Relationship Semi-Private 保持戀愛關系半私密化 It’s ok to post a couple of cute pictures here and there on Instagram and Facebook, but the reality is that people really don’t want to see pictures of you kissing multiple times per day. 在Instagram 和Facebook 各處曬幾張你們可愛的照片,人們有興趣欣賞,但如果每天在屏幕上頻繁看到你們親吻的照片,人們會生厭。 Avoid posting pics on Facebook every time you kiss, or Tweeting about your plans every other minute. While people may be happy about your relationship, they don’t want to hear about it 24/7. 不要每次都把親吻的照片都放到Facebook上,也不要每次有什麼計劃就發推。盡管人們可能因你開始戀愛了而感到高興,但他們不希望一天到晚全是這件事。 7. Be Yourself & Let Your Partner Do The Same 做自己,也給對方做自己的機會 One of the key aspects of every relationship is letting yourself and your special someone be themselves. You were attracted to this person for a reason, and there’s no need to try and change them. 戀愛中關鍵的一點是,讓自己和你的那個她(他)做自己。你被對方吸引不無緣由,沒必要下功夫去改變他們。 Likewise, don’t let someone try to change you. You are who you are, and if that’s not good enough for either of you, then this isn’t really a relationship that’s going to work. 同樣,不要讓對方改變你,你就是你,如果互相覺得不適合,那不如趁早散伙。 8. Be Adventurous & Enjoy Your Time Together 敢於嘗試,並一起享受生活 This is another one that’s very important. Remember that you’re still in your 20s and you should be having as much fun as possible. 這也是很重要的一點。你們才20多歲,應該盡情地享受生活。 Set aside time to do both of your favorite activities and hobbies. Be adventurous and try something new that you’ve both never done before. Don’t take yourself that seriously. Make jokes and laugh about anything and everything. 為喜愛的活動與愛好留出時間。敢於冒險,嘗試新事物。別太把自己太當回事,說說笑話,盡情歡笑。 9. Communication is Important 交流亦重要 Every relationship expert will emphasize the importance of communication in a long-lasting relationship. Each night, talk about your day, your concerns, your thoughts, and your dreams with one another. As the other person is talking, be sure to listen attentively, and communicate your interests and feelings. 戀愛專家都強調交流在持久戀愛過程中的重要性。晚上,一起聊聊白天的工作、關心的事情、想法和夢想。當對方講述時,用心傾聽,了解對方的興趣和感受。 10. Trust, But Without Being Naive 信任,但不抱幻想 Trust is important. It’s the backbone of all relationships, especially those in your 20s. Avoid hacking your loved one’s cell phone, computer, and emails. This isn’t going to solve anything. 信任很重要,它是各種關系的基石,尤其對20多歲的年輕人來說。不要窺探愛人的手機、電腦和郵件。這解決不了問題。 When situations arise, trust only reliable sources, such as those who aren’t trying to sabotage your relationship. On the flip side, don’t be naive about the situation either. 有疑問時,只依賴可靠信息源,例如那些沒有破壞你戀愛關系企圖的人。如果確有情況,也不要抱有天真幻想。 You both deserve to be happy, and if things don’t work out, as they say, there are other fish in the sea. 你們兩人都應該快樂,如果戀愛不成功,記住人們常說的那句話,天涯何處無芳草。 Following these simple relationship rules—if you’re meant to be together—is truly the way to make your relationship work, and last a lifetime. 如果你們注定在一起,遵循這些簡單的戀愛准則毫無疑問會促進你們的關系,並讓你受益終生。 轉載:笑彈俱樂部
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